
Staff Page

Administrator: Ryan6872

Ryan is the owner/creator of, he makes sure the game stays safe and fun you can always find Ryan online you can catch him at cafe st most of the time.

 Ryan loves playing sports and hanging out with his friends. His favorite movie is "That's my Boy" with Adam Sandler. He is very addicted to his laptop and he loves Chobots.



Support: King

 King is a member of support he originally joined the team as moderation but has proved his skills and has became support, You can always find King at Cafe St having a good time.

 Fun Fact: King loves Despicable me Minions. 




Moderation: Jacob 

  Jacob is one of the most awesome staff members. He makes sure the game stays safe and will always be holding parties for fun.

 Fun Fact: Insert later






Moderation: Juan 

Juan is one of the prgjrklgjefd


insert later with more info ghee :DDDD

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